Tamara Fonteyn
C'est fou ce qu'on arrive à créer en pliant une ou deux feuilles de papier! Ce livre propose 50 idées créatives simples à réaliser, même pour les petits. Les différents projets sont regroupés par thèmes, tous captivants pour les enfants : les animaux (réaliser un papillon qui bat des ailes ou une grenouille qui saute lorsqu'on lui pose un doigt dessus), les avions et les bateaux (faire les plis des modèles variés d'avions faciles à lancer...
Il y a dans ce beau livre à la fois ce que les enfants aiment entendre et ce que les parents aiment lire. Les parents s'émouvront autant que les enfants en lisant l'histoire de Théo le bourdon et de sa chère maman, ils riront aux larmes des déboires sentimentaux de Nounours et de la belle poupée Clara, ils seront agréablement surpris par la sagesse du fermier Pipo, ils réfléchiront à la signification de l'amitié en participant à l'étonnante...
This beautiful book contains what children love to see and hear and also, what parents love to read!Children and parents together will be moved by the love story of Theo the bumblebee and his caring mother, they will beam at Teddy the bear's sentimental woes, they will appreciate the words of wisdom of Pipo the farmer, they will reflect upon the meaning of friendship as it is unravelled in Johnny's forest adventure, they will frown upon the excessive...
These five tales are absolutely perfect as bedtime stories, as well as stand-alone books for young children taking their first solo steps in the world of reading. From an old but very kindhearted train to flying cows, from an elegant and very ambitious elephant to some surprising cauliflowers, these tales really have it all.
Imaginative, amusing, charming and fun. This five-tale collection is perfect for children of almost any age and not a few adults,...
These five tales are absolutely perfect as bedtime stories, as well as stand-alone books for young children taking their first solo steps in the world of reading. From an old but very kindhearted train to flying cows, from an elegant and very ambitious elephant to some surprising cauliflowers, these tales really have it all.
Imaginative, amusing, charming and fun. This five-tale collection is perfect for children of almost any age and not a few adults,...