From the Book - First Gallery Books hardcover edition.
Introduction. Sure, I'll join your cult
Part I. My indoctrination: the cult of family. Getting current: what life is like now ; Diagnos-yes! ; My first cult: my family ; Loose cannon (and high priest of hilarity) ; My sister: the funny (chosen) one ; The temple of thin! ; Suzuki violin ; Dale Carnegie (winning friends an influencing people!) ; Overeaters anonymous
Part II. Cult following: the cult of fame. Showbiz! The cult! The artist's way! ; Debtors anonymous ; OCD CBT that is not free ; My ?th (who cares) cult: sex and love addiction anonymous ; The cult of success ; I killed God (and the circumstances leading up to a breakdown) ; The breakdown begins
Part III. The cult of mental health care. Hospitalization #1 ; Hospitalization #2 ; Hospitalization #3: certificate of completion ; Boundaries: I will not join just anything ; Bipolar acting job: Lady Dynamite ; My tenth cult: recovering couples anonymous ; Obligatory suicide disclaimer
Appendix. The twelve (silly) steps of (super stupid) twelve-step programs (my version - which is unapproved and apostate).