African American poetry : 250 years of struggle & song
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Young, Kevin, 1970- editor.
New York, N.Y. : The Library of America, [2020].
Physical Desc
lx, 1110 pages : music ; 21 cm
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811.008 AFRICAN
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811.008 AFRICAN
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Main Level - Display | 811.008 AFRICAN | BLACK HISTORY MONTH DISPLAY/CART 2025 | On Shelf |
Table of Contents
Introduction / by Kevin Young
Bury me in a free land: 1770-1899
Lift every voice: 1900-1918
The dark tower: 1919-1936
Ballads of remembrance: 1936-1959
Ideas of ancestry: 1959-1975
Blue light sutras: 1976-1989
Praise songs for the day: 1990-2008
After the hurricane: 2009-2020
ONE: BURY ME IN A FREE LAND 1770-1899. On imagination ; On Recollection ; On the Death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield. 1770 ; To S. M. a young African Painter, on seeing his Works ; To His Excellency General Washington / Phillis Wheatley
An Address to Miss Phillis Wheatly, Ethiopian Poetess, in Boston / Jupiter Hammon
[Bars Fight] / Lucy Terry
A Mathematical Problem in Verse / Benjamin Banneker
To Eliza ; The Slave's Complaint ; On hearing of the intention of a gentleman to purchase the Poet's freedom ; Division of an estate ; The Art of a Poet ; George Moses Horton, Myself / George Moses Horton
An Appeal to Woman ; The Grave of the Slave / Sarah Louisa Forten
Concatination [Selected Pottery Verses, 1834-1862] / David Drake
The Natives of America ; Reflections / Ann Plato
Armand Lanusse: Epigram ; Camille Thierry Ideas ; Pierre Dalcour: Verse Written in the Album of Mademoiselle _____ ; Victor-Ernest Rillieux: Love and Devotion/ Les Cenelles
America ; To Cinque / James M. Whitfield
Hope and Confidence / Charles L. Reason
A Life-Day / George B. Vashon
The Emigrant / Benjamin Clark
Song for the First of August / James Madison Bell
A June Song ; A Parting Hymn ; In the earnest path of duty / Charlotte Forten Grimḱe
Toussaint L'Ouverture ; Self-Mastery / Henrietta Cordelia Ray
from The Rape of Florida ; A Question / Albery A. Whitman
The Slave Mother ; Bury Me in a Free Land ; Learning to Read ; A Double Standard ; Songs for the People / Frances Ellen Watkins Harper.
TWO: LIFT EVERY VOICE 1900-1918. The House of Falling Leaves / William Stanley Braithwaite
Driftwood / Olivia Ward Bush
America ; Character or Color
Which? ; Late Mother / Carrie Williams Clifford
Paul Laurence Dunbar / James D. Corrothers
A Prayer ; And What Shall You Say? ; Supplication ; A Woman at Her Husband's Grave / Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.
Dr. Booker T Washington to the National Negro Business League / Joseph Seamon Cotter, Sr.
A Litany at Atlanta / W. E. B. Du Bois
We Wear the Mask ; A Negro Love Song ; When Malindy Sings ; When de Co'n Pone's Hot ; An Ante-Bellum Sermon ; Sympathy ; A Death Song ; Compensation / Paul Laurence Dunbar
Violets ; I Sit and Sew ; The Proletariat Speaks / Alice Dunbar-Nelson
The Black Finger ; A Mona Lisa ; El Beso ; You ; Rosabel ; The Eyes of My Regret ; Trees ; Tenebris ; Grass Fingers ; To Keep the Memory of Charlotte Forten Grimké / Angelina Weld Grimké
Wooing ; A Spade Is Just a Spade ; Here and Hereafter / Walter Everette Hawkins
Retrospect / Josephine D. Heard
When I Die ; The Lonely Mother ; Who Is That A-Walking in the Corn? ; from African Nights / Fenton Johnson
Lift Every Voicce and Sing ; Sence You Went Away ; O Black and Unknown Bards ; My City ; Go Down Death / James Weldon Johnson
from The Fledgling Poet and the Poetry Society / George R. Margetson
Ode to the Sun / Eloise Bibb Thompson
To a Little Colored Boy / Priscilla Jane Thompson
The New Negro / Lucian B. Watkins.
THREE: THE DARK TOWER 1919-1936. Japanese Hokku ; Negro Woman ; Effigy / Lewis Grandison Alexander
Heritage ; Lines written at the Grave of Alexander Dumas ; Fantasy ; To a Dark Carl ; Dirge for a Free Spirit ; I Build America ; Epitaph / Gwendolyn B. Bennett
The Return ; A Black Man Talks of Reaping ; Southern Mansion ; The Day-breakers / Arna Bontemps
Ma Rainey ; Old Lem ; Slim Greer ; Strange Legacies ; Southern Cop ; To a Certain Lady, in Her Garden ; Let Us Suppose / Sterling A. Brown
Portraiture ; Black Baby ; Impressions from a Family Album ; Coveted Epitaph ; Denial ; Idle Wonder / Anita Scott Coleman
Longings ; Goal ; Farewell ; Having Had You ; Four Poems
After the Japanese ; For a New Mother ; I Look at Death / Mae V. Cowdery
Yet Do I Marvel ; Incident ; Tableau ; Saturday's Child ; Heritage ; from Epitaphs ; From the Dark Tower ; Uncle Jim ; Scottsboro, Too, Is Worth Its Song / Countee Cullen
No Images ; Nineteen-twenty-nine ; My Lord, What a Morning ; Down-Home Boy ; Carry Me Back / Waring Cuney
The Mask ; Solace / Clarissa Scott Delany
Dead Fires ; La Vie C'est la vie ; Oblivion / Jessie Redmon Fauset
My Last Name / Nicolas Guillen
Notes Found Near a Suicide / Frank Horne
The Negro Speaks of Rivers ; The Weary Blues ; Mother to son ; Jazz Band in a Parisian Cabaret ; Beale Street Love ; Cross ; Personal ; Midwinter Blues ; Bound No'th Blues ; Dream Variations ; I, Too ; Song for a Dark Girl ; Let America be America Again ; from Montage of a Dream Deferred ; Madam and the Rent Man ; from Ask Your Mama / Langston Hughes
The Singer ; The Maestro / Eva A. Jessye
The Heart of a Woman ; Cosmopolite ; Black Woman ; Old Black Men ; Common Dust ; I Want to Die While You Love Me ; Interracial / Georgia Douglas Johnson
Sonnet to a Negro in Harlem ; Poem ; Invocation / Helene Johnson
Jamaica Market / Agnes Maxwell-Hall
Christmas in de Air ; The Harlem Dancer ; Harlem Shadows ; If We Must Die ; On Broadway ; The Tropics in New York ; The Lynching ; America ; My Mother ; "The white man is a tiger at my throat" / Claude McKay
Man and Maid / Myra Estelle Morris
Shadow / Richard Bruce Nugent
Requiem ; This Is My Vow / Lucia Mae Pitts
October Prayer ; Flag Salute / Esther Popel
Black and Blue ; The Tree of Hope / Andy Razaf
At the Carnival ; White Things ; Sybil Warns Her Sister / Anne Spencer
Five Vignettes ; Her Lips Are Copper Wire ; from Cane ; from Essentials ; Be with Me / Jean Toomer.
FOUR: BALLADS OF REMEMBRANCE 1936-1959. To Satch (American Gothic) ; Nat Turner or Let Him Come ; If the Stars Should Fall / Samuel Allen
Narrative ; Night and a Distant Church ; It's Here in The ; Spyrytual / Russell Atkins
from A Street in Bronzeville ; Beverly Hills, Chicago ; The Bean Eater ; We Real Cool ; A Bronzeville Mother Loiters in Missippi. Meanwhile, a Mississippi Mother Burns Bacon ; The Last Quatrain of the Ballad of Emmett Till ; The Chicago Defender Sends a Man to Little Rock ; The Lovers of the Poor ; Malcolm X ; The Second Sermon on the Warpland ; Paul Robeson ; The Life of Lincoln West ; The Boy Died in My Alley ; Infirm ; I Am a Black ; An Old Black Woman, Homeless, and Indistinct / Gwendolyn Brooks
To Julia de Burgos ; Ay, Ay, Ay of the Kinky-Haired Negress ; Poem of the Unborn Child ; Farewell in Welfare Island ; The Sun in Welfare Island / Julia de Burgos
The Small Bells of Benin ; Etta Moten's Attic / Margaret Danner
from Ebony Under Granite ; Mojo Mike's Beer Garden ; Four Glimpses of Night / Frank Marshall Davis
Sorrow Is the Only Faithful One ; The Morning Duke Ellington Praised the Lord and Six Little Black Davids Tapped Danced Unto / Owen Dodson
Those Winter Sundays ; Frederick Douglass ; Middle Passage ; Runagate Runagate ; A Letter from Phillis Wheatley ; Paul Laurence Dunbar ; [American Journal] / Robert Hayden
The Truth ; Jazz Is My Religionj ; The Nice Colored Man / Ted Joans
Hawk Lawler: Chorus ; I, Too, Know What I Am Not ; Would You Wear My Eyes? ; War Memoir ; Walking Parker Home ; Crootey Songo ; Heavy Water Blues ; Blues for Hal Waters ; Oregon / Bob Kaufman
from Dark Testament ; Prophecy / Pauli Murray
A Private Letter to Brazil ; Review from Staten Island ; Man White, Brown Girl and All That Jazz / Gloria C. Oden
Young Poet / Myron O'Higgins
Harlem Dawn ; A Definition ; Jean-Jaques / Oliver Pitcher
Booker T. and W.E.B. ; An Answer to Lerone Bennett's Questionnaire On a Name for Black Americans ; A Poet Is Not a Jukebox / Dudley Randall
Ballad of American Mores ; Face of Poverty / Lucy E. Smith
Dark Symphony ; from Harlem Gallery, Book I: The Curator / Melvin B. Tolson
For My People ; Molly Means ; October Journey / Margaret Walker
Between the World and Me ; Selected Haiku / Richard Wright.
FIVE: IDEAS OF ANCESTRY 1959-1975. Still I Rise ; Phenomenal Woman / Maya Angelou
Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note ; Look for You Yesterday, Here You Come Today ; Notes for a Speech ; The Liar ; Short Speech to My Friends ; Three Modes of History and Culture ; SOS ; Black Art ; Why's 12 / Amiri Baraka (Leroi Jones)
King: April 4, 1968 / Gerald Barrax
Blues ; All God's Chillun ; The White River ; Sam Lord / Kamau Brathwaite
"in the inner city" ; miss rosie ; good times ; admonitions ; "being property once myself" ; the lost baby poem ; from some jesus ; cutting greens ; homage to my hips ; "the light that came to lucille clifton" ; jasper texas 1998 ; why some people be mad at me sometimes ; "i am accused of tending to the past" ; Jump Rope Rhymes (transcribed) ; study the masters ; to my last period ; wishes for sons ; "surely i am able to write poems" ; "won't you celebrate with me" / Lucille Clifton
How Long Has Trane Been Gone ; Orisha ; Rape ; Jazz Fan Looks Back / Jayne Cortez
Son of Msippi ; Black Star Line ; Outer Space Blues / Henry Dumas
I Am a Black Woman / Mari Evans
I Would Be for You Rain / Sarah Webster Fabio
High on the Hog / Julia Fields
Black Power ; Nikki-Rosa ; For Saundra ; Ego Tripping ; A Poem for Carol ; Legacies / Nikki Giovanni
American History ; Dear John, Dear Coltrane ; Nightmare Begins Responsibility ; Reuben, Reuben ; Tongue-Tied in Black and White ; Last Affair: Bessie's Blues Song ; The Love Letters of Helen Pitts Douglass / Michael S. Harper
Do Nothing till You Hear from Me ; A Coltrane Memorial / David Henderson
Medicine Man / Calvin Hernton
What Would I Do White? ; These Poems ; I Must Become a Menace to My Enemies ; Poem about My Rights ; Poem for Haruko / June Jordan
Blues for Some Literary Friends & Myself ; For Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers / Keorapetse Kgositsile
A Poem for Myself ; The Idea of Ancestry ; The Bones of My Father ; Haiku ; For Freckle-Faced Gerald ; The Violent Space ; Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane ; For Eric Dolphy ; Feeling Fucked Up / Etheridge Knight
On Being Head of the English Department / PInkie Gordon Lane
Coal ; Revolution Is One Form of Social Change ; A Litany for Survival ; Power ; Lunar Eclipse ; Inheritance
His / Audre Lorde
But He Was Cool ; Don't Cry, Scream / Haki Madhubuti (Don L. Lee)
Swallow the Lake ; Hair / Clarence Major
Malcolm X
An Autobiography ; Don't Say Goodbye to the Porkpie Hat / Larry Neal
26 Ways of Looking at a Black Man / Raymond R. Patterson
Howlin Wolf ; Big Maybelle / Sterling D. Plumpp ; From Where the Blues? ; "WE NEED" ; " ; Metagnomy / N. H. Pritchard
Beware: Do Not Read This Poem ; Paul Laurence Dunbar in the Tenderloin ; The Reactionary Poet / Ishmael Reed
sonnet ; poll ; the poor houses ; othello jones dresses for dinner ; American Jazz Quartet / Ed Roberson
how i got ovah / Carolyn Rodgers
for our lady ; A Poem for My Father ; A poem for my brother ; from Philadelphia: Spring, 1985 ; haiku (for Osage ave and Doorknop) ; haiku (for mungu and morani and the children of soweto) ; two haiku (for Clarence H. Watson and The Count) ; tanka (for papa Joe Jones who used to toss me up to the sky) ; haiku (for domestic workers in the african diaspora) ; haiku ("man. you write me so") ; tanka ("like dark old men the") ; haiku ("like ermine when i") ; haiku ("i want to make you") ; blues ; Song No. 2 / Sonia Sanchez
Whitey on the Moon ; The Revolution Will Not Be Televised ; Home Is Where the Hatred Is / Gil Scott-Heron
After Vallejo / A. B. Spellman
Inauguration ; Song / Lorenzo Thomas
One for Charlie Mingus ; Poem for My Father ; After Hearing a Radio Announcement: A Comment on Some Conditions / Quincy Troupe
A Far Cry from Africa ; Codicil ; Blues ; from The Schooner Flight ; Sea Canes ; Volcano ; Easter ; from Omeros: Chapter VIII / Derek Walcott
Women / Alice Walker
blues for franks wooten ; from Maumau American Cantos: Canto 4 / Tom Weatherly
How Stars Start ; Dance of the Infidels ; Boogie with O.O. Gabugah ; The Old O.O. Blues ; A Poem for Players / Al Young.
SIX: BLUE LIGHT SUTRAS 1976-1989. Twenty-Year Marriage ; I Can't Get Started ; Two Brothers ; The Good Shepherd: Atlanta, 1981 / AI
from Haiti / Will Alexander
Titta / George Barlow
Soul Make a Path Through Shouting ; Sally Hemings to Thomas Jefferson / Cyrus Cassells
from Portrait of a Nude Woman as Cleopatra / Barbara Chase-Riboud
What It Means to Be Dark ; Mastectomy ; from American Sonnets / Wanda Coleman
Harriet in the Promised Land / Sam Cornish
Blackbottom ; The Weakness ; On the Turning Up of Unidentified Black Female Corpses ; Black Boys Play the Classics / Toi Derricotte
Leaving Eden ; from The Arcanum Poems ; Father / Ralph Dickey
Tour Guide: La Maison des Esclaves ; Turning Forty in the 90's ; Wednesday Mourning ; Heartbeats / Melvin Dixon
The House Slave ; David Walker (1785-1830) ; Adolescence
II ; Banneker ; from Thomas and Beulah ; Canary ; The Return of Lieutenant James Reese Europe ; Hartie McDaniel Arrives at the Cocoanut Grove ; from Sonata Mulattica / Rita Dove
The Dance ; The Supremes ; from Brutal Imagination Cornelius Eady
Brown Girl Levitation, 1962-1989 ; Concerto no. 7: Condoleezza [working out] at the Watergate Nikky Finney
Some Pieces ; Hand Me Down Blues ; Dark Mirror / Calvin Forbes
This Bridge Across ; Time with Stevie Wonder in It ; Chris Gilbert: An Improvisation / Christopher Gilbert
Vernacular Examples ; Palaver ; Sotto Voce / C. S. Giscombe
For My Mother (May I Inherit Half Her Strength) ; For Claude McKay / Lorna Goodison
Goldsboro Narrative #4: My father's Viet Nam tour near over ; Goldsboro Narrative #28 ; Goldsboro Narrative #33 ; Goldsboro Narrative #7 ; Annual Visit of the Quiet, Unmarried Son / Forrest Hamer
Heavy Corners ; Civil Servant ; For My Own Protection / Essex Hemphill
"C"ing in Colors: Blue / Safiya Henderson-Holmes
Surplus Future Imperfect ; Woman, with wings ; Should you find me / Erica Hunt
Deep Song / Gayl Jones
i done got so thirsty that my mouth waters at the thought of rain / Patricia Spears Jones
Fragments from the Diary of Amelie Patiné, Quadroon, Mistress of Monsieur Jacques R _____ / Sybil Kein
from The Women of Plums / Dolores Kendrick
Annabelle ; More Girl Than Boy ; Letter to Bob Kaufman ; Blue Light Lounge Sutra for the Performance Poets at Harold Park Hotel ; February in Sydney ; from Dien Cai Dau ; Venus's-flytraps ; My Father's Love Letters ; Anodyne ; Ode to the Maggot / Yusef Komunyakaa
Falso Brilhante ; Song of the Andoumboulou: 31 / Nathaniel Mackey
Gra'ma ; Try to Understand Papa ; Throwing Stones at the All White Pool ; Fade to Black / Colleen J. McElroy
Life in a Sterile Environment: A Case Study ; The Day before Kindergarten: Taluca, Alabama, 1959 ; A Reconsideration of the Blackbird ; An Anointing ; Poem for My Mothers and Other Makers of Asafetida ; The Lynching / Thylias Moss
from Muse & Drudge ; from Sleeping with the Dictionary / Harryette Mullen
A Strange Beautiful Woman ; Sleepless Nights ; Lonely Eagles ; Star-Fix / Marilyn Nelson
How I Became the Blues / Brenda Marie Osbey
The Broken English Dream / Pedro Pietri
The Black Back-Ups / Kate Rushin
All the Way Home ; from Dreamer / Primus St. John
Trying for Fire / Tim Seibles
from for colored girls who have considered suicide / when the rainbow is enuf / Ntozake Shange
Building Nicole's Mama ; Don't Drink the Water / Patricia Smith
from Free! / Sekou Sundiata
Inside the Blues Whale ; Scrapple ; Washing the car with My Father ; John Henry Sleeping in High Grass / Afaa Michael Weaver
from Letters to a New England Negro / Sherley Anne Williams.
SEVEN: PRAISE SONGS FOR THE DAY 1990-2008. Blue ; The New Religion / Chris Abani
The Venus Hottentot ; Nineteen ; Ars Poetica #28: African Leave-Taking Disorder ; Ars Poetica #100: I Believe ; Praise Song for the Day / Elizabeth Alexander
loose strife ; Doug Flutie's 1984 Orange Bowl Hail Mary as Water into Fire / Quan Barry
Verbal Mugging / Paul Beatty
Prayer of the Backhanded ; Bullet Points ; 'N'em ; Another Elegy ; The Tradition / Jericho Brown
A Balance of Blues & Angels / Darrell Burton
nap-i-ness / Kyle Dargan
Natural ; Black Funk / Kwame Dawes
Wednesday Poem / Joel Dias-Porter
Frequently Asked Questions #10 / Camille Dungy
View of the Library of Congress from Paul Laurence Dunbar High School / Thomas Sayers Ellis
Sugar and Brine: Ella's Understanding ; Salt / Vievee Francis
burial ; A Small Needful Fact / Ross Gay
Santa Ana of Grocery Carts ; Teeth ; Ode to the Little "r" / Aracelis Girmay
Seeing the Body / Rachel Eliza Griffiths
Black Mary Integrates the School House / Duriel E. Harris
Touch ; Satchmo Returns to New Orleans ; The Golden Shovel ; Carp Poem / Terrance Hayes
How to Listen ; Euphoria ; Ferguson / Major Jackson
The Gospel of Barbecue / Honorée Fannone Jeffers
Charity on Blind Tom ; General Bethune on Blind Tom ; Blind Boone's Vision ; Minnehaha / Tyehimba Jess
Jesse Owens, 1963 ; Rope / A. Van Jordan
Thirty Lines About the Fro ; My Father's Kites / Allison Joseph
Drop it Like It's Hottento Venus / Douglas Kearney
Hostage / Daniell Legros Georges
Plantation ; from Voyage of the Sable Venus ; "Lucy Terry Prince Prepares for Her Marriage" / Robin Coste Lewis
Ode to the Diasporican / Mariposa
from Good Stock Strange Blood / Dawn Lundy Martin
from The Big Smoke ; Robot Music / Adrian Matejka
What the Oracle Said / Shara mcCallum
The Keepin' It Real Awards / Tony Medina
Blackout 1977 / Tracie Morris
gayl jones ; cecil taylor ; johnny cash ; I ran from it but was still in it / Fred Moten
On Confessionalism / John Murillo
Written by Himself ; Raisin / Gregory Pardlo
Bembe-Faced ; Arroz con Son y Clave / Willie Perdomo
Blue ; Cotillion ; A Great Noise ; Speak Low / Carl Phillips
I want to not have to write another word about who cops keep killing / Khadijah Queen
from Citizen: An American Lyric / Claudia Rankine
The Difficult Music ; The Lucky One ; Hesitation Theory ; My Mother Was No White Dove / Reginald Shepherd
from The Lost Letters of Frederick Douglass ; statistical haiku (or, how do they discount us? let me count the ways) ; ode to my blacknes / Evie Shockley
Don't You Wonder, Sometimes? ; The Universe Is a House Party ; Declaration / Tracy K. Smith
Offering ; Snow / Sharan Strange
Ode to Gentrification / Samantha Thornhill
Flounder ; Drapery Factory, Gulfport, Mississippi, 1956 ; Graveyard Blues ; Pilgrimage ; Miscegenation ; Incident / Natasha Trethewey
Strip ; RR Lyrae: Matter / Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon
Wind Talker ; Work Ethic / Frank X. Walker
Dissidence ; Gwendolyn Brooks / Anthony Walton
"The reeds shook. A wide flat ass cradled in leather pants. This" / Simone White
Amethyst Rocks / Saul Williams
Money Road / Kevin Young.
EIGHT: AFTER THE HURRICANE 2009-2020. How Can Black People Write about Flowers at a Time Like This / Hanif Abdurraqib
La Negra Takes Medusa to the Hair Salon / Elizabeth Acevedo
Cento Between the Ending and the End / Cameron Awkward-Rich
America Will Be / Joshua Bennett
A Postmodern Two-Step / Reginald Dwayne Betts
upon viewing the death of basquiat / Mahogany L. Browne
Massa's House / Dominique Christina
Nashville / Tiana Clark
Dear _____, / DeLana R. A. Dameron
My First Black Nature Poem(TM) / LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs
I saw Emmett Till this week at the grocery store / Eve L. Ewing
Aunt Flo and Uncle Phineas / Sean Hill
(Afterward) One Corner More / Notes on a Letter to the Singer Abbey Lincoln from Her Lover, Abraham Lincoln / Harmony Holiday
After the Hurricane / Ishion Hutchinson
Kansas / Gary Jackson
Kudzu / Saeed Jones
The moon rose over the bay. I had a lot of feelings / Donika Kelly
One Country / Rickey Laurentiis
Still When I Picture It the Face of God Is a White Man's Face / Shane McCrae
Closer / Anis Mojgani
#sayhername / Aja Monet
The President's Wife / Morgan Parker
Violins / Rowan Ricardo Phillips
History / Camille Rankine
Black Can Sleep / Justin Phillip Reed
Children Listen / Roger Reeves
Why Is We Americans / Alison C. Rollins
Object Permanence / Nicole Sealey
Gnawa Boy, Marrakesh, 1968 / Charif Shanahan
Fisherman's Daughter / Safiya Sinclair
dinosaurs in the hood / Danez Smith
Your National Anthem / Clint Smith
Prayer / Phillip B. Williams
Ode to Herb Kent / Jamila Woods.
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More Details
New York, N.Y. : The Library of America, [2020].
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Across a turbulent history, Black poets created a rich and multifaceted tradition that has been both a reckoning with American realities and an imaginative response to them. One of the great American art forms, African American poetry encompasses many kinds of verse: formal, experimental, vernacular, lyric, and protest. The anthology opens with moving testaments to the power of poetry as a means of self-assertion, as enslaved people voice their passionate resistance to slavery. This volume captures the power and beauty of this diverse tradition and its challenge to American poetry and culture. Here are all the significant movements and currents: the nineteenth-century Francophone poets known as Les Cenelles, the Chicago Renaissance that flourished around Gwendolyn Brooks, the early 1960s Umbra group, and the more recent work of writers affiliated with Cave Canem and the Dark Noise Collective. Here too are poems of singular, hard-to-classify figures: the enslaved potter David Drake, the allusive modernist Melvin B. Tolson, the Cleveland-based experimentalist Russell Atkins. The volume also features biographies of each poet and notes that illuminate cultural references and allusions to historical events. -- adapted from jacket
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APA Citation, 7th Edition (style guide)
Young, K. (2020). African American poetry: 250 years of struggle & song . The Library of America.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)Young, Kevin, 1970-. 2020. African American Poetry: 250 Years of Struggle & Song. New York, N.Y.: The Library of America.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities (Notes and Bibliography) Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)Young, Kevin, 1970-. African American Poetry: 250 Years of Struggle & Song New York, N.Y.: The Library of America, 2020.
Harvard Citation (style guide)Young, K. (2020). African american poetry: 250 years of struggle & song. New York, N.Y.: The Library of America.
MLA Citation, 9th Edition (style guide)Young, Kevin. African American Poetry: 250 Years of Struggle & Song The Library of America, 2020.
Note! Citations contain only title, author, edition, publisher, and year published. Citations should be used as a guideline and should be double checked for accuracy. Citation formats are based on standards as of August 2021.